President's greeting
Thank you for visiting our website.
We are working to support people with diverse disabilities, especially those with mental disabilities, so that they can live independently as proud members of society.
We are promoting the following projects: 1) Establishment and operation of facilities, 2) Dissemination and Awareness-raising, 3) Cooperation with related associations.
These are the three foundations.
1) Establishment and operation of facilities (workshops)
The establishment and operation of facilities (workshops) is the main activity of the three projects. Our facility (workshop) is called "Odawara Nagisa-Sagyousho" and was established in 1999 by a family association that composed by families have relative with disabilities. After that, it was transferred to the non-profit organization(NPO)"Odawara Nagisa-kai" in 2011, and it has been until this day.
Many users (people with disabilities) visit our workshop every day. They are trying various things through working in the workshop and taking part a group life. The workshop is a place for users to come together and to take a step towards society.
2) Dissemination and Awareness-raising
I think that what is becoming very important now is "Society properly understanding about mental disability" and "Raising the awareness of people with mental disabilities about themselves".
But the reality is hard, and there seems to be a lot of misunderstanding and prejudice. On the other hand, I think some people with disabilities and their families tend to isolate themselves. I think it's time to challenge both people around them and people with disabilities themselves to reform their consciousness and perspective. It should require us to make constant efforts. But I would like to expand this activity step by step around us.
3) Cooperation with related associations
We cooperate with for example administrative welfare departments, health and welfare offices, the councils of social welfare, hospitals, educational institutions, and local residents.
Our activities can never be successfully promoted by our organization alone. I believe that the best results can be achieved only when related groups collaborate. We will continue to strengthen cooperation with related associations and individuals.
Disability or not, we are all people living together in one society, and I believe it would be wonderful to have a society where people with disabilities can enjoy their own lives through deepening their relationship with their surroundings and the local community.
To this end, we are promoting several activities with the basic philosophy "First, Human Relations!!!".
I'd appreciate it if you'd introduce our activities to someone you know. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
President Tsuneo Inui