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  • 神奈川県小田原市 | 小田原なぎさ会

    Link for the Related associations Related associations ​ ◆ Medical institutions ・ Soga Hospital ・ Kozu Hospital ・ Heart Clinic Odawara ​ ◆ Educational institutions ・ International University of Health and Welfare ・ Hiratsuka College of Nursing ・ Odawara City "Sakawa Junior High School" ・ Odawara City "Sakawa Elementary School" ​ ◆Other associations,organizations etc. ・ Odawara Mental Health Welfare Association "Ume no Kai" ・ Odawara City Minami-Kamonomiya Fujimi Neighborhood Association etc. ・ Minami-Kamonomiya volunteer organization Etc. ​ ​ ​ Collection of mutual links Heart Clinic Odawara

  • 小田原なぎさ会について

    Greeting from the President Thank you for visiting our homepage. We are working to support "People with various disabilities, especially those with mental disabilities, will be alive independently as the proud members of society". We are promoting the following projects : 1) Establishment and operation of facilities, 2) Spreading and Enlightenment, 3) Cooperation with related associations. These are the three basics. ​ 1) Establishment and operation of facilities (workshops) The establishment and operation of facilities (workshops) are the main activities of the three project. Our facility (workshop) was called "Odawara Nagisa-Sagyousho" and was established in 1999 by a family association composed with families that have people with disabilities. After that, it was transferred to the NPO"Odawara Nagisa-kai" in 2011, and it has been up to the present day. Many users (people with disabilities) visit our workshop every day. They are challenging various things through working in the workshop and group life. The workshop is a place for users to gather and be a step towards social participation. ​ 2) Dissemination and Enlightenment I think that what is coming very important now is "Appropriate understanding of the surrounding about mental disability" and "Awareness of people with mental disabilities about themselves". But the reality is harsh, and there seems to be a lot of wrong understanding and prejudice. On the other hand, I feel that some people with disabilities and their families may have some introverts. I think it's time to challenge both the surrounding people and the people with disabilities themselves to reform their consciousness and perspective. It should need us to make steady efforts. but I would like to expand this activity step by step around us. ​ 3) Cooperation with related associations Specific associations are such as Administrative welfare departments, Health and welfare offices, Council of social welfare, Hospitals, Educational institution, Local residents, etc. Our activities can never be successfully promoted by our organization alone. I believe that the best results can be achieved only when the related groups corporate each other. We will continue to strengthen cooperation with related associations. ​ Even if having a disability, as a person living together in a society, I feel it would be so great to become such a society that people with disabilities can enjoy their own lives through deepening their relationship with surroundings and the local community. In order to realize this, we are promoting various activities with the basic philosophy "First, Human Relationships!!!". I would be grateful if you could introduce our activities to someone you know. Thank you for your further understanding and cooperation. President Tsuneo Inui

  • 神奈川県小田原市 | 小田原なぎさ会

    President's greeting Thank you for visiting our website. We are working to support people with diverse disabilities, especially those with mental disabilities, so that they can live independently as proud members of society. We are promoting the following projects: 1) Establishment and operation of facilities, 2) Dissemination and Awareness-raising, 3) Cooperation with related associations. These are the three foundations. ​ 1) Establishment and operation of facilities (workshops) The establishment and operation of facilities (workshops) is the main activity of the three projects. Our facility (workshop) is called "Odawara Nagisa-Sagyousho" and was established in 1999 by a family association that composed by families have relative with disabilities. After that, it was transferred to the non-profit organization(NPO)"Odawara Nagisa-kai" in 2011, and it has been until this day. Many users (people with disabilities) visit our workshop every day. They are trying various things through working in the workshop and taking part a group life. The workshop is a place for users to come together and to take a step towards society. ​ 2) Dissemination and Awareness-raising I think that what is becoming very important now is "Society properly understanding about mental disability" and "Raising the awareness of people with mental disabilities about themselves". But the reality is hard, and there seems to be a lot of misunderstanding and prejudice. On the other hand, I think some people with disabilities and their families tend to isolate themselves. I think it's time to challenge both people around them and people with disabilities themselves to reform their consciousness and perspective. It should require us to make constant efforts. But I would like to expand this activity step by step around us. ​ 3) Cooperation with related associations We cooperate with for example administrative welfare departments, health and welfare offices, the councils of social welfare, hospitals, educational institutions, and local residents. Our activities can never be successfully promoted by our organization alone. I believe that the best results can be achieved only when related groups collaborate. We will continue to strengthen cooperation with related associations and individuals. Disability or not, we are all people living together in one society, and I believe it would be wonderful to have a society where people with disabilities can enjoy their own lives through deepening their relationship with their surroundings and the local community. To this end, we are promoting several activities with the basic philosophy "First, Human Relations!!!". ​ I'd appreciate it if you'd introduce our activities to someone you know. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. President Tsuneo Inui

  • NPO法人 小田原なぎさ会

    NPO certified by the Japanese government Odawara Nagisa-kai We provide support for “Everyone with disabilities, especially mental disability” Supporting "People to live an independent life as a member of society in spite of various disabilities such as mental disability" ​ Photo by Natsuko Nakashima About US Welfare Facility Leaflet ( in Japanese only) ニュース 22022.5.20 We held the regular general meeting of NPO ODAWARA-NAGISAKAI which is the biggest event in 2022. Same as last year, in order to avoid infection with the new coronavirus, we stopped invitation the guests, and asked members to participate by proxy or vote and held it with the minimum number of people. From this year, the enrollment fee has been reduced to 0 and the annual membership fee (individual regular member) has been reduced to 2000 yen. We are waiting for your enrollment! We will continue to work hard this year, We deeply appreciate your cooperation and understanding.​ 22022.5.20 We held the regular general meeting of NPO ODAWARA-NAGISAKAI which is the biggest event in 2022. Same as last year, in order to avoid infection with the new coronavirus, we stopped invitation the guests, and asked members to participate by proxy or vote and held it with the minimum number of people. From this year, the enrollment fee has been reduced to 0 and the annual membership fee (individual regular member) has been reduced to 2000 yen. We are waiting for your enrollment! We will continue to work hard this year, We deeply appreciate your cooperation and understanding.​ 22022.5.20 We held the regular general meeting of NPO ODAWARA-NAGISAKAI which is the biggest event in 2022. Same as last year, in order to avoid infection with the new coronavirus, we stopped invitation the guests, and asked members to participate by proxy or vote and held it with the minimum number of people. From this year, the enrollment fee has been reduced to 0 and the annual membership fee (individual regular member) has been reduced to 2000 yen. We are waiting for your enrollment! We will continue to work hard this year, We deeply appreciate your cooperation and understanding.​ 22022.5.20 We held the regular general meeting of NPO ODAWARA-NAGISAKAI which is the biggest event in 2022. Same as last year, in order to avoid infection with the new coronavirus, we stopped invitation the guests, and asked members to participate by proxy or vote and held it with the minimum number of people. From this year, the enrollment fee has been reduced to 0 and the annual membership fee (individual regular member) has been reduced to 2000 yen. We are waiting for your enrollment! We will continue to work hard this year, We deeply appreciate your cooperation and understanding.​ 22022.5.20 We held the regular general meeting of NPO ODAWARA-NAGISAKAI which is the biggest event in 2022. Same as last year, in order to avoid infection with the new coronavirus, we stopped invitation the guests, and asked members to participate by proxy or vote and held it with the minimum number of people. From this year, the enrollment fee has been reduced to 0 and the annual membership fee (individual regular member) has been reduced to 2000 yen. We are waiting for your enrollment! We will continue to work hard this year, We deeply appreciate your cooperation and understanding.​ 22022.5.20 We held the regular general meeting of NPO ODAWARA-NAGISAKAI which is the biggest event in 2022. Same as last year, in order to avoid infection with the new coronavirus, we stopped invitation the guests, and asked members to participate by proxy or vote and held it with the minimum number of people. From this year, the enrollment fee has been reduced to 0 and the annual membership fee (individual regular member) has been reduced to 2000 yen. We are waiting for your enrollment! We will continue to work hard this year, We deeply appreciate your cooperation and understanding.​ 私たちの活動とSDG's 私たちは障害者の自立支援活動やエコキャップ活動、エコマグネット製作などを通してSDGsに深くつながる取組を推進しています。 ​当会の活動をこちらからぜひご覧ください。クリック>> エコマグネットオンライン注文承ります ​エコマグネットが当ホームページからご注文いただけるようになりました!→こちらからどうぞ 確定申告書類の書き方をUPしました Sorry, this tax reduction only applies to donations from people living in Japan. ​ Click here for donation deduction process Join us by becoming a menber of our NPO We are now looking for regular and supporting members of the Odawara Nagisa-kai, so if you share our activities and support us, please become a member, even if you can't participate directly in the actual activities. ​ ​ ​Click here for more information >> 私たちのFacebookも覗いてみてください You can find NPO Odawara Nagisa-kai on Facebook, too. Please click "Like" and follow us!!! ​ Request for donations​ If you have a hard time securing time for activities but want to support or participate in them, please make a donation and participate in our activities! Donations will be used as same as the membership fee for maintenance and management of our facilities and other activities. ​Click here for more information >> Our Newsletters Back Number The past number of the bulletin "Odawara Nagisa-kai Newsletters" is here. ​ Click here >>

  • NPO法人 小田原なぎさ会

    お知らせ お知らせ お知らせ 2024年7月25日 5年ぶりのバス旅行に行ってきました 2024年2月22日 みかん収穫体験 2023年9月21日 第10回なぎさ祭り 2023年3月19日 How technology can help curb attention disorders 2023年3月18日 Entering a new era of IoT 2024年9月1日 防災訓練 新規会員大募集(どこにお住いの方でもOK) 小田原なぎさ会の正会員・賛助会員を募集しています。 私たちの活動に共感し賛同して いただける皆様、 ぜひ会員になってください。実際の活動に直接的な参加ができなくても結構です。会員になっていただくことで「活動の仲間の輪」がひろがり、広い協働が始まります。 ​詳しくは こちらをクリック>> 入会金 0円 年会費(個人正会員)2000円 機関誌「小田原なぎさ会通信」バックナンバー 私たちの活動とSDG's 私たちは障害者の自立支援活動やエコキャップ活動、エコマグネット製作などを通して SDGsに深くつながる取組を推進しています。 ​当会の活動をこちらからぜひご覧ください。クリック>> エコマグネットオンライン注文承ります ◆Our official logo is complete! We created our official logo and have been using it since April 1, 2018. The bridge of the three colors shown in the logo symbolize our three projects: 1) Establishment and operation of facilities ⇨ Red: With the spirit of "Passionately", "Tenaciously" and "Actively and Powerfully" 2) Dissemination and Awareness-raising ⇨ Green: With the spirit of ”Developmentally” and "Cherishing the sense of Balance" 3) Cooperation with related associations ⇨ Orange: With the spirit of "Spontaneity" and "Abundant Communication and Action” ​ For each project, these indicate our determinations for infinite development toward the hopeful future . ​ 私たちのFacebookも覗いてみてください! You can find NPO Odawara Nagisa-kai on Facebook, too. Please click "Like" and follow us!!! ​ ◆Information on how to fill out your tax return is now available. We have uploaded the instructions on how to fill out the tax return form to receive a tax credit for donations, and you can get a credit of up to 50% of the amount of your donation from your tax bill. 寄付金税額控除を受けるための 確定申告書類の用紙の書き方 をUPしました。 当法人に寄付をいただいた方は申告することで寄付金額の最大 50%が税額から控除されます。 ​ ​寄付金控除受け取りの流れはこちら

  • 神奈川県小田原市 | 小田原なぎさ会

    Public information Adobe Reader is required to view the contents. If you do not have it, please install the plugin from the banner. Projects Report, etc. (Project report, activity statement, balance sheet, inventory of property) 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 ​ Articles of incorporation, etc. 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 ​ List of projects to be donated 2018 2017 2016 Regulations on the payment of executive remuneration or employee salaries in the previous fiscal year 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 ​ ​ Statement of transfer of assets and funds, donations, etc. 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 ​ ​ ​

  • 事業報告平成23年度 | mysite

    ​公開情報(平成23年度) 事業報告書 活動計算書 賃借対照表 財産目録

  • 神奈川県小田原市 | 小田原なぎさ会

    なぎさ祭ポスターです ​クリックするとPDFファイルが開きます(A4版)

  • 事業報告令和3年度 | mysite

    ​公開情報(令和3年 度) 事業報告書 活動計算書 賃借対照表 財産目録

  • 定款等令和4年度 | mysite

    ​定款等(令和4 年 度) ​定款 認証を受けたことを証する書類の写し ​登記事項証明書の写し

  • オリジナルエコマグオーダー | mysite

    世界にひとつだけ、あなたのオリジナルエコマグネットがオーダーできます。​ お子様やペット、思い出の写真、企業やお店の販促、イベントなどでご利用いただいています。 ​オリジナルのエコマグオーダー To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. ​オーダー例 ​企業や個人の方からご注文いただいたオリジナルのエコマグネットの一例をご紹介します。 クリスマス会用に 可愛いペットの写真をエコマグに 小田原市社会福祉協議会様 創立記念の記念品に オーダーの流れ 01 ​下記ご連絡フォームよりお名前やご希望の数量・ご希望納期などをご連絡ください。(1個¥50 20個以上のご注文でお願いします)¥50×20個=¥1000 ​ 引き渡しは下記①②のどちらかになります。 ①お客様指定の発送先に送付(送料は商品代金と合わせてお支払いください) ②小田原なぎさ会で引き渡し 02 ​当法人よりお見積り書をメールにてお送りします。その際、ご希望のエコキャプのカラーや支払い方法など詳細も伺います。 03 ​見積書をご確認いただき、OKでしたら代金をご入金ください。 また、必要な写真やイラストのデータをメールにてお送りください。 ​なお、データはjpgファイルを送りください。 04 出来上がりサンプルの画像をお送りし、ご確認後ОKをいただきましたら納品(発送)させていただきます。 ​エコマグオーダー見積もり依頼 お名前 メールアドレス ご住所 電話番号 希望数量(個) お引渡し方法(お選びください) FAX 希望納期 希望のお支払方法(お選びください) 備考(発送先がご注文者様ご住所と異なる場合はこちらにご記入ください) 見積もりを依頼する ご依頼ありがとうございます。後程ご連絡致しますので少々お待ちください。

  • 事業報告平成25年度 | mysite

    ​公開情報(平成25年度) 事業報告書 活動計算書 賃借対照表 財産目録

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